This film is exactly as it sounds and doesn't leave much to the imagination. One of the positives about it though is the originality and fact that the producers and writer/director know not to take themselves and this film seriously. Headlining Jenna Jameson as the main zombie stripper and starring horror legend and god, Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger) I knew I was in for a treat.
One of my favorite horror experiences was the Grindhouse phenomenon with Robert Rodriguez and Tarentino who teamed up to re-introduce the world with b-horror/action drive in flicks entitled "Grindhouse" films. I was lucky enough to see both films screened how they should be, back to back with fake horror trailers in between by other horror geniuses like Eli Roth, Rob Zombie and Edgar Wright. The Grindhouse experience was like nothing I've seen in a while. With a sling of horror remakes and poorly adapted Japanese horror films released left and right, it was about time something relevant was released and brought fun back into the cinema.
I would consider Zombie Strippers to be an homage to these type of films as well. Even though it was released after both Death Proof and Planet Terror, and skipped theaters for a direct to DVD release, I knew it had to be placed on my netflix. Now, I'm not one to shy away from gratuitous nudity and gore, but man did this film raise the absurdity level. I'm no prude and going into it I knew that Jenna Jameson (ex-pornography star) was headlining it, but I didn't expect such gross out moments from the Zombie strippers who are perfectly coherent but feel the need to feed on human flesh. Balls and penis's were being ripped off and eaten, the strippers bodies became more and more grotesque as they danced with gashes in their necks and some even battled against one another shooting ping pongs and pool balls out of a certain female special spot.
The funny thing is that after the movie ended I had two thoughts. Jenna Jameson should be in more movies. I don't praise her because of her nakedness or body but she was an actual fresh and normal actress that could pull off more feature roles. I mean if Jessica Alba keeps making pictures, anyone can right?
Secondly, I decided that I actually liked the film for it's over the top marketing genius and crazy plot line. I felt that not many movies successfully transition into cult status or midnight movies, but something about this film made sense and in my opinion be remembered a classic B-movie.
All I have to say is for a direct to DVD film, starring these handful of players in an absurd situation, I found myself intrigued by the story and how it slowly unraveled itself before the viewers. Just when you think it's going one way, it switches and beats you over the head with political satire, gore and nudity. It's not for the weak hearted and should be watched with little expectation, but you might surprise yourself how interesting Zombie Strippers really is.
This movie's already on my Netflix!!!