If you ever get the chance to rent this movie do so. I remember growing up and seeing it on Comedy Central almost as much as Weekend at Bernies 2, another horrible yet funny comedy.
Fatal Instinct might be just as, or even funnier, than Airplane! which was written/directed by the wonderful Zucker brothers.
Basically this film manages to spoof the "erotic thrillers" like Basic Instinct and Fatal attraction (a hybrid of the films title) and classic detective films like ChinaTown and Double Indemnity. Fatal Instinct was directed by Carl Reiner and follows our lead Ned Ravine a slap stick Lesley Neilsen type who works as both an officer, private detective and a lawyer. His shtick is that he is hired to solve a crime, he arrests them, and then becomes their defense attorney. It's all pretty ridiculous when you think about it, but it's filled with hilarious spoofs and literal humor that always surprises, yet actually makes you laugh out loud. I'd give you examples but reading them in a blog won't help you like the movie anymore.
Verdict: These types of comedic films are few and far between these days and if you enjoy simple, yet hilarious humor that spoofs classic films then check this out. It's really that good.
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